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Re: dbus - Was: A thread that shouldn't be mentioned anymore

On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Kevin Chadwick <ma1l1ists@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> DBus isn't a problem per se, it just can cause issues, when implemented
>> without thinking about the needs of all users?
> Right but it's actually much worse than that. Take mozilla firefox even
> which may or may not have been changed due to me bringing it up on the
> dev-security list. Without dbus in a chroot it would die, the reason
> was handling it's text configuration files, which is obviously
> rediculously pointless and I assume with some confidence, actually quite
> dumb.

Are you sure about that? I have never seen anything dbus related in
any version of Mozilla or Firefox, aside from one extension that never
really when anywhere.

Kelly Clowers

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