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Re: Dual-Monitor help

Nelson Green <nelsongreen84@hotmail.com> writes:

> have no choice but to run a GUI of some type. I would like to learn to do so
> with a minimal footprint if you would be willing to share some tips. I find
> my primary use of the GUI is email, the web apps I have to support, and
> Guayadeque for my classical music fixes.

You could try fvwm and a recent emacs24 with gnus and tmux (or screen)
in rxvt. You might be much happier with a tiling window manager like i3
(they have a nice video on youtube) rather than fvwm, though.

> all I really need is dual monitors so I can update things in Terminal and
> refresh the page in the web browser, and a locking screen saver, for which
> xscreensaver works just fine. In fact I wouldn't mind just having TTY1 on
> one monitor and the GUI on the other if that is possible.

Xscreensaver is fine. You can have two different displays for X sessions
(one on each monitor) rather than having one display that goes across
both monitors. I haven't tried to have one X display on one monitor and
the console on the other --- that should be somehow possible ...

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