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Re: Samba or NFS--tangent

On 06/04/2011 02:53 AM, Ron Johnson wrote:
On 06/04/2011 01:31 AM, Doug wrote:
I opened the suggested url, and read the following intro: "*Reader
Prerequisites*: To get the most from this
article, understand the following concepts before reading: basic unix
command line tools, text editors,
DNS, TCP/IP, DHCP, netmask, gateway"

I'm not afraid of command line tools and I can use nano or pico, or mc
(yes, I've been around

What do you current use to configure networking in Linux? (You must get to the Internet somehow...)

I have a router with ethernet connections from each machine. (Or wireless, if the laptop is not wired in.) The router connects to a cable modem, and off we go. It is even possible to connect two machines to the internet at once--one playing streaming audio from a radio station in Texas, and one downloading or uploading email, or Googling. Nobody ever told me it was impossible, so I just do it. Or, since all the machines are multi-tasking, it's possible to Google while listening to music on the same machine. (I normally use the main Linux machine for email and net searching, and the Win 7 machine for music, since its sound card is output to a hi-fi system. If I want to do any serious writing, I use the Windows machine with WordPerfect on it. No M/S or M/S clone comes close.)


Blessed are the peacekeepers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. M. Greeley

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