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Re: package locally compiled gets "upgraded"

In <[🔎] 20090602185609.GA26122@fantomas.sk>, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>is 1.2.3lenny1 more than 1.2.3local1? I would want that to get upgraded...

No.  1.2.3lenny1 < 1.2.3local1 because "lenny" < "local" because 'e' < 'o'.

>that's why I did not increment the version, I don't know what small
> changes could debian developers use in next version numbers...

You could look it up.  It's all documented.  You could use a even "smaller" 
suffix if you are very concerned.  I think the smallest "positive" suffix is 
the letter 'a' followed by an arbitrarily long string of tildes '~'.

0-0~ < 0-0 < 0-0a

0-0a > 0-0a~ > 0-0a~~ > 0-0a~~~ (etc.)

You probably do want to change the version[1], but you have to decide by how 
much.  Instead of using "local", I would use something that helps identify 
the origin of the package like "$company_name-$my_user_name"; if that was 
still larger than the current codename of stable ("lenny") then I would 
prefix it with the string "${codename}0".

So, if I needed to patch dovecot-imapd for some reason, I'd version mine 
1:1.0.15-2.3iguanasuicide-bss1.  However, if I was still running old stable 
on m68k, I'd version mine 1.0.rc15-2etch0iguanasuicide-bss1.

>> Alternatively, you could probably do version-pinning via origin, but I'm
>> not sure about the specifics of that.
>The only thing I need i not to upgrade when version number matches...

Right, but you can't *just* pin by version because your package and the 
Debian package has the same version.  You'd have to pin by version AND 
origin; your locally build package probably has an origin of "" (the empty 

I don't know, maybe you could pin by version and just use something positive 
but less than 100?
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.           	 ,= ,-_-. =.
bss@iguanasuicide.net            	((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy 	 `-'(. .)`-'
http://iguanasuicide.net/        	     \_/

[1] apt-get and aptitude really don't like have two packages that have the 
same version number but are different.

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