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Re: Configuring Tor and Privoxy in Squeeze (Addendum)

On Mon, Jun 01, 2009 at 19:08:31 +0100, AG wrote:
> AG wrote:
>> Florian Kulzer wrote:
>>> On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 11:59:29 +0100, AG wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> I am attempting to get Tor and Privoxy working with Iceweasel, but  
>>>> it  keeps throwing up errors.     
>>> [...]
>>>> Under the preferences option of the Iceweasel Tor Button, running  
>>>> the  test, this is the output:
>>>> Tor proxy test: Internal error


>>>> The following is my /etc/privoxy/config file (without the commented 
>>>>  sections):
>>> [...]
>>>> forward-socks5   /      .
>>> I have this instead, as per the example given in the comments of the
>>> config file:
>>> forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 .


>> I also corrected the forward-socks4a string before running these tests.

Did you restart privoxy after changing the configuration file?


> When trying this again as root (sudo), these are the results:
> sudo netstat -plant | grep -E ':(8118|9050)'
> tcp        0      0*         LISTEN    19186/tor
> tcp6       0      0 ::1:8118                :::*              LISTEN    26738/privoxy

The line for Tor is as expected, but I am surprised that you have
privoxy listening only for tcp6 connections. I do not recall ever seeing
privoxy listed in any way other than this:

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      7152/privoxy

Have you done any IPv6-related customization on your system?

In any case, if two programs do not work together as they should then it
may help to test each one individually.

To see if privoxy is working without Tor, remove the "forward-socks.."
line from the configuration file and restart privoxy. Then open
iceweasel, make sure that torbutton is NOT active and select "localhost"
port 8118 as the manual proxy configuration for http and https; make
sure that the SOCKS field is empty. Try if you can load any websites in
this configuration and if you can reach the configuration front end at

To test Tor without privoxy, clear all fields in iceweasel's manual
proxy configuration except for the SOCKS one, which should have
"localhost" and port 9050. Then go to a site like http://showip.net and
check if the reported IP address is different from your real one. (If
Tor works then you should see the IP address of the current exit node.)

Regards,            | http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer
          Florian   |

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