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Re: Sane uninstallable (MOSTLY Solved)

Daniel Dalton wrote:

uh, probably a dumb question, but did u try aptitude install -f


Apparently the partially installed sane packages were what was preventing iscan from being purged. Once I uninstalled sane I was able to purge iscan. Then I could reinstall sane without errors.

Now I can access the scanner through Gimp menus.  Works fine.

But... udev seems to not set up a device file, or something. To access the scanner with xscanimage from the command line I need to enter the command like this:

	xscanimage epkowa:libusb:004:003

I expect that the usb device numbers and such could change if a device is unplugged, or the system rebooted. There IS a line for the scanner, with vendor and ID number, in:

and in

The scanner is at least usable now, but it is awkward to use from the command line. Any ideas what I have misconfigured?

Marc Shapiro

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