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Re: xterm won't start on AMD K6 with stock 2.6.22-1-486 kernel

Paul Scott wrote:

> $ stat /dev/ptmx
> [...snip...]

ptmx looks fine to me.

> mountpoint says /dev/pts is not a mount point

You need to mount devpts filesystem at /dev/pts.
pts(4) manpage says:

;; The Linux support for the above (known as Unix98 pty naming) is
;; done using the devpts filesystem, that should be mounted on
;; /dev/pts.

Try something like this (_NOT_TESTED_):

$ sudo mount -t devpts -o uid=0,gid=5,mode=620 devpts /dev/pts

* gid=5 : gid should specify 'tty' group. 5 is tty group on my
  system. Please check /etc/group for tty gid for sure.

* Refer to mount manpage. It has section for "Mount options for

Note that I've never had to do it myself.  My /etc/fstab on a Sarge
system has this entry:

    none    /dev/pts    devpts    gid=5,mode=620    0    0

But my lenny box does not have it. I don't know who mounts devpts for
me on lenny (perhaps it's udev but I'm not sure.)

Good luck.

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