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Re: A question of fonts

On Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 23:28:01 +0100, andy wrote:
> Florian Kulzer wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 21:35:50 +0100, andy wrote:


>>> I have yet to try changing fontconfig/hinting_type to "Native" but will 
>>> when a decent reason to shut X down presents in terms of work flow.
>>> Any thoughts on the conf file settings?
>> The fons.conf file is consistent with your Xft settings. Which desktop
>> environment or WM are you using?
> Sorry - forgot you asked me that. I predominantly use Gnome, but switch to 
> Xfce from time-to-time. I login using GDM.

Then I don't have any idea what could mess with your font settings. I
have meanwhile checked out xmms and indeed the fonts look worse (though
not as bad as in my intentionally screwed up iceweasel screenshot):


(Umlauts seem to work fine, so there does not seem to be a fundamental
 problem with using xmms in an *.UTF-8 locale.)

On the other hand, you should never have such problems with iceweasel.
It would help if you could put a few example screenshots somewhere. I am
starting to suspect that I might be barking up the wrong tree with the
hinting business.

Regards,            | http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer
          Florian   |

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