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Re: [OT] google desktop on Debian

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote in Article <[🔎] f6g3a7$1fr$1@sea.gmane.org> posted to

> Hi,
> Google has a Debian version of its desktop:
> http://desktop.google.com/linux/download.html
> Installing it on my Sid box with fvwm windowmanager and iceweasel
> browser does exactly nothing: no messages, nothing. So I uninstalled it
> again.
> Did anybody try it?

It depends on Gnome or KDE, I think.  Something that provides a system tray. 
I was unaware that Google came up with a Linux version of Desktop, but I'm
glad to see they created a Debian package.  I've just installed it and I'm
trying it out now...

Kind of disappointed they went with GTK (it's fugly on a Motif scale IMO),
and it doesn't seem to support searching across PCs like the Windows
version does yet.

Paul Johnson
Email and IM (XMPP & Google Talk): baloo@ursine.ca

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