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Re: hard drive repair problem

At 12:54 PM 6/5/2006, Digby Tarvin wrote:
On Mon, Jun 05, 2006 at 12:35:30PM -0400, Marty Landman wrote:
> Ok does this result indicate a hardware error then?
> penskefile:/home/marty# dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/dev/null
> dd: reading `/dev/hdb1': Input/output error
> 40+0 records in
> 40+0 records out
> 20480 bytes transferred in 4.123283 seconds (4967 bytes/sec)
> penskefile:/home/marty#

I am afraid so. At a minimum, you have a bad sector at a critical
place in the filesystem which fsck is unable to deal with. But it
may be a failed head or worse, meaning that you will have lost
much if not all of the data beyond the first 20K of your partition.

If you have valuable data that is not backed up, try using the
'skip=blocks' option on dd to jump further into the partition
to see if the disk is good once you are beyond the initial
fault region.

Things are looking a bit up over here. For one thing Maxtor (now Seagate) told me there's a 30 day grace period on my 6 mo warrantee which is kind of cool because I bought this HD about 6 mo plus 2 1/2 weeks ago. So once the dd finishes up I can get the serial # and call back for an RMA.

Thing is, I seem able to dd everything past relatively close to the beginning of the drive. I mean

penskefile:/home/marty# dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/dev/null skip=130
dd: reading `/dev/hdb1': Input/output error
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes transferred in 2.666983 seconds (0 bytes/sec)
penskefile:/home/marty# dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/dev/null skip=150

the skip 150 is still chugging along after half an hour.

Anyone out there know of a way that I can keep some or all of this data?

I have the further complication that I bought this drive specifically because I don't have this kind of space available otherwise on my LAN. It's probably got < 50 GB of data, mostly captured home videos I'd rather not re-capture though I certainly could. Available other space is in blocks or maybe 30 GB here (1), 1-5 GB there (5 or 10). I do have a DVD burner... on my Windows workstation. Wonder if I could burn an ISO image or three. Have yet to burn a DVD - less than 5 GB per that's a lot of burning.

Well it's Monday, certainly wasn't expecting it all to be good news.


Marty Landman, Face 2 Interface Inc. 845-679-9387
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