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Re: SSL problem + Apache 1.3.33

On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 06:39:29PM +0100, Stelios A. wrote:
> No errors related with ssl under apache logs.
> port 443 is open in firewall and set up correctly under httpd.conf
> (Listen)

So, do I understand you correctly that you've verified the request does
in fact reach the server and gets processed at all?  (You should at
least see an entry in access_log, and a whole bunch of messages in
ssl_engine_log (if you set it to 'trace' or 'debug'[1]).

If so, could you post the relevant section of ssl_engine_log?

If not, have you verified that the server is _if fact_ listening on 443?
(netstat -tan | grep 443)   I know, you have it configured in
httpd.conf, but who knows what might be going on...? :)


[1] I'm not entirely sure whether 'debug' will actually give you more
verbose output -- I dimly remember that the code might need to have
been built with DEBUG option for that to take effect... haven't tried
right now.  If 'debug' does work, you should even get every single byte
logged, that's being exchanged between client and server.

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