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Re: Using more than one driver for a laser printer?

On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 02:12:22PM +0000, Adam Funk wrote:
> On Wednesday 03 November 2004 12:50, Frank Gevaerts wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 09:15:57PM +0000, Adam Funk wrote:
> >> So I'd like to know if there is any easy way to switch between them,
> >> just for local printing.  I'm considering adding a second printer
> >> to /etc/printcap with the same device (/dev/lp0) and other
> >> specifications but a different driver, so I can use the lpr -P option
> >> as necessary.  Is this idea good, bad or ugly?
> > 
> > It is what I would do, and also what apsfilter does.
> > 
> >> Should I use the same
> >> spool directory (subdirectory of /var/spool/lpd/)?
> > 
> > Some lpr daemons complain if you do that.
> So it's OK to have two printers in /etc/printcap pointing to the same
> device node, but it's better to give them separate spools?  
> The printing daemon (I'm using cupsys-bsd to provide lpr and related
> commands) will send only one job at a time from either spool to the
> same device, right?

AFAIK yes, but maybe you'd better try it. While I have used such a
setup, I never try to print much at the same time, so I may never have
been in that case.


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