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Re: knoppix vs standard debian?

On Thursday 02 September 2004 20:11, Scotty Fitzgerald wrote:
> Thank you for your replies.
>  I am thinking of ordering the (big) seven disk set from
> an outfit like linuxcdrs.com.

The 7 cd set is most likely Woody probably Rev 2 (3.0r2) which I run.
It has considerable virtue, not least stability and security. However 
considering that you have been running knoppix, a selection from unstable and 
testing I believe, you would likely find Woody to be quite 'retro'. For 
instance I am unable to run the latest Mozilla or its siblings Firefox and 
Thunderbird because I lack the necessary libraries.

So I need to upgrade to Sarge and will be doing just that over the next few 
days. I may be wrong on this but I believe Sarge is now included in the 
security update process. Even if I am wrong on that it will not be far away.

The full set of Sarge comprises 13 cds or 2 dvds, but most folks could get by 
with at most the first 4 cds. If you have a halfway decent internet 
connection, maybe just the first 1 or perhaps the 'netinst' cd.

You can probably glom what you need from a local linux user group for a 
nominal fee. I supply my lug members with gpl cds for just 1 AUD each as do 3 
other guys in the same lug. We do it to spread the good news if you like and 
just about cover costs.


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