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Re: Printing problems with mozilla

Brad Sims(bmsims1@insightbb.com) is reported to have said:
> no Xprint servers found...
> xprint starts with no errors... I did a apt-get purge and reinstall
> of xprt and friends, and mozilla and friends.
> echo $XPSERVERLIST returns blank
> and here is my output from xprint restart:
> bsims@c933657-a:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/xprint restart
> Restarting Xprint server(s): Xprt.
> Stopping Xprint servers: Xprt.
> Starting Xprint servers: Xprt.
> Cups is installed and working fine...
> However when I do a ps auxf: 
> I do not see a xprint server listed

I am not using cups so this may not help.

My firefox stopped printing after the last upgrade and I had to
install xprt-xprintorg & xprt-common.  I also could not find any
printers.  After much reading I finally got it working by adding
this to my .bash_profile.

XPSERVERLIST="`/etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist`"
export LPDEST="lp+"

My printcap has entries for 4 printers, lp, lpp, lp+, ep.

If, after adding the above, you are printing 1/4 pages, don't forget
to select the correct paper size.  For some reason mine defaulted to
A4 paper.

Is reading in the bathroom considered Multi-Tasking.

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