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Re: Boot stuck when network is down

On Saturday 03 April 2004 07:31, Jani Uusitalo wrote:
> Hello, fellow users!
> Firstly, a question about questions; is it ok to ask although I'm
> reading the digest? Should I be subscribing to the actual list instead?

Don't see what this is a problem - you just won't see the reply until you get 
your digest

> Now to my real issue: last night there was some sort of temporary glitch
> in our network, during which I tried rebooting when I thought it was a
> problem with my system (I'm running up-to-date Sarge). When the OS was
> booting, it first got stuck with running ntpdate, as the network
> apparently was still down (or maybe it was just the dns, don't know). I
> was able to continue booting by pressing ctrl+c, but then it went on to
> starting the MTA (exim), and again was stuck. Ctrl+c didn't help this
> time, nor did any other keys or combinations I tried. I assume it was
> trying to use the network and was waiting for something, seemingly
> forever (although I can't be sure). I used the reset button on my
> computer and switched to Windows at that point - the network had
> apparently begun working during the switch and when I came back to
> Debian, the boot went flawlessly.
> So here's the question: is it normal and/or acceptable for
> network-depending processes to stall the whole boot process when they're
> unable to access the network - I mean, is there maybe some sort of

AFAIK - the only hold up in the process will be the network script 
in /etc/init.d trying to bring the network up with (probably) dhclient.  On 
my (unstable) system it tries at several intervals - increasingly longer 
delays until it gives up.  I think the delay is a couple of minutes - but 
after that it continues as normal.

I agree its annoying - but I haven't ever had to interfere manually as long as 
I leave it long enough

Alan Chandler
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
 then they fight you, then you win. --Gandhi

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