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Re: network troubles

On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Marketsource Online wrote:

suppor >a.  Is there some sort of system configuration tool, like lisa/lizard,
suppor >netconfig, etc available for Debian?  I do enjoy editing .conf files and
suppor >scripts but a frontend would be a big help considering how much time I
suppor >spend looking for the configuration files!

dont think such a tool exists with the stock install of slink, potato has
linuxconf which is partially operational i read.  you may want to look
into webmin (www.webmin.com) its seems decent, although its not updated to
run with debian 2.1(i think its configured for debian 1.3) so use at your
own risk :)

i prefer config files myself, most of my admin stuff is done through ssh

suppor >b.  How can I change the system name I came up with during install?  I even
suppor >grep'd through /etc and can't find the current system name anywhere.

hostname is changed by changing /etc/hostname.  this can cause havok with
X authority, perhaps someone can mention how to update Xauth to work with
the new hostname? i never figured that out.

suppor >c.  My old system is set up with ADSL and ipforwarding.  Starting with a
suppor >clean slate, I can bring up lo and ping localhost.  I then bring up eth0
suppor >with ifconfig, add the local network route, and can't ping in or out of the
suppor >system.  ifconfig shows no packet movement.

make sure your firewall is wiped clean, the ipmasq package royally fries
my machines by adding all kinds of firewall rules which blocks 100% of all
ingoing and outgoing traffic. i always remove the package because ipmasq
brings the rules back without me telling it.  turning on ipmasq manually
is only a 2-3 line script, so i do that instead of having a package do it
for me.

suppor >I'm sure I'm missing something simple in some configuration file but I just
suppor >can't find it.  If someone could walk me through this, or point me to some
suppor >specific documentation (I've read over the NAG and Network HowTo too many
suppor >times to count) I'd be eternally grateful!

i do that on many machines, the main network config is located in

add a line that says something like

ifconfig eth1 <ip address> netmask <netmask> broadcast <broadcast>

if you are using kernel 2.0.x then you also need to add a line:

route add -net <network>

ignore that if your using 2.2.x


ifconfig eth1 netmask broadcast
route add -net

then you can bring it up by typing /etc/init.d/network

the next time you boot it will be on as well.

if you want more info lemme know


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