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Re: libglide2x.so

Nate Duehr said:
> Total guess here, but have you tried symlinking libglide2x.so to the
> 3x.so file?  Might work.

No dice.  Myth2 hangs with the symlink in place.  (I also picked up Heretic2
at the same time and am having the same problem with it, but it's a lot more
verbose about its startup progredure.  Instead of hanging, H2 shuts down
after its libGL reports "undefined symbol: grSstControl".)

A bit of poking around at Debian.org turned up a trio of glide packages (each
is for a different 3Dfx chipset) and they all contain libglide2x.so, but the
one that says it's for Voodoo2 cards doesn't see my Voodoo2 Black Magic card.
The quest goes on...

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