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mgetty & external sportster

I have an internal modem(not sure what brand) that works fine, but i want
to switch to an external incase the modem needs a hard reset we dont have
to shut the machine down.

Its been sooo many years since i used an external modem so im kinda rusty.

sofar, i got it to communicate with the sportster (both minicom and
mgetty) i can get minicom to establish a terminal connection and transfer
a file(by connecting with another computer and hitting 'ATA' when i saw
the 'RING')  the file transferred fine so i assume the modem is good.  but
when mgetty tries to answer i get this:

01/03 10:50:45 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: [0d][0a]
01/03 10:50:46 yS0   removing lock file
01/03 10:50:46 yS0  waiting...
01/03 10:50:46 yS0    select returned 1
01/03 10:50:46 yS0   checking lockfiles, locking the line
01/03 10:50:46 yS0   makelock(ttyS0) called
01/03 10:50:46 yS0   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/03 10:50:46 yS0   lock made
01/03 10:50:46 yS0  wfr: waiting for ``RING''
01/03 10:50:46 yS0
got: x[fe][00][80]x[00][ff][80][80][f8]x[e0][80][80][80][f8][00]x[fe][00][80]x[00][ff]x[fe][00][80]x[00][ff][80][80][f8]x[e0][80][80][80][f8][00]x[fe][00][80]x[00][ff]
01/03 10:50:56 yS0  mdm_read_byte: read returned -1: Interrupted system
01/03 10:50:56 yS0  wfr: timeout waiting for RING
01/03 10:50:56 yS0   wfr: rc=-1, drn=0
01/03 10:50:56 yS0  huh? Junk on the line?
01/03 10:50:56 yS0   removing lock file

and mgetty clearly can communicate with the modem :

01/03 11:33:23 yS0  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.18-Sep11
01/03 11:33:23 yS0  check for lockfiles
01/03 11:33:23 yS0   checklock: stat failed, no file
01/03 11:33:23 yS0  locking the line
01/03 11:33:23 yS0   makelock(ttyS0) called
01/03 11:33:23 yS0   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/03 11:33:23 yS0   lock made
01/03 11:33:24 yS0   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR
01/03 11:33:24 yS0  lowering DTR to reset Modem
01/03 11:33:24 yS0   tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
01/03 11:33:24 yS0   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/03 11:33:24 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: 
01/03 11:33:24 yS0  send: ATZ[0d]
01/03 11:33:24 yS0  waiting for ``OK''
01/03 11:33:24 yS0   got: ATZ[0d]
01/03 11:33:24 yS0    CND: ATZ[0d][0a]OK ** found **
01/03 11:33:24 yS0  send: [0d]
01/03 11:33:24 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: [0d][0a][0d]
01/03 11:33:25 yS0   removing lock file
01/03 11:33:25 yS0  waiting...

i've been going through documentation on the modem and on the AT command
set, but so far this is as far as i've gotten. looks like those
[0d][0a][0d] are escape codes? that could be screwing the modem up. im not
sure of the modem's model#  but it is a 28.8 sportster external, it has a
bunch of dip switches on it:

1 On  - data terminal ready normal **SET**
  off - data terminal ready override

2 Up - verbal result codes **SET**
  down - numeric result codes

3 Up - supress result codes
  down - display result codes   **SET**

4 up - echo offline commands **SET**
  down - no echo, offline commands

5 up - auto answer on first ring, or higher if specified in NVRAM
  down - auto answer off **SET** (i have tried both ways with same

6 up - carrier detect normal **SET**
  down - carrier detect override

7 up - load NVRAM defaults **SET**
  down - load factory defaults

8 up - dumb mode
  down - smart mode **SET** (tried both ways, dumb mode the modem does not
respond at all)

any help would be greatly appreciated! 



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