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Re: Matrox Mistique Business 4 MB

On Tue, 2 Dec 1997, Pere Camps wrote:

> Hi!
> 	Can this card run Xfree at 1280x1024x75Hzx16bpp? Is it fast?
Well, I use this card (The Mystique "Business" is also known as the
Mystique 220) with 2 MB ram, and it can do that resolution at 8bpp, so 4
MB should be able to do 16 bpp.

Note, however, that you'll have to use Xfree86 3.3.1, not the Xfree86 3.3
that comes with Debian 1.3.1 (the current stable version).  Since 3.3.1
hasn't been packaged for bo systems, you'll have to download the binaries
from ftp.xfree86.org directly - I wrote something a bit ago on what you
then need to do; email me if you need help.

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