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Re: is the Creative Labs AWE64 GOLD Soundcard supported?

On Mon, Oct 20, 1997 at 04:05:56PM +1000, Mr Stuart Lamble wrote:
> Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de wrote:
> [...]
> : Let me say that the awe driver package works just fine with a SB AWE32.
> : Don`t know about the 64 yet. Any people tried?
> I would suspect that it would work fine with the 64 as well. AFAIK, the
> AWE64 is the same as the 32, except for the extra 32 voices. Oh, and the
> extra 32 voices are done in software, not hardware, so unless the driver
> has support coded specifically for those 32 voices (which implies tying
> up the CPU to do this), you'll find you're stuck with the first 32
> anyway.

Hello! You are totally right. Everything you say is true.

About the AWE64: As Nicola and me found out, the AWE64 is working
flawlessly, but there are a few caveeats (mostly with isapnp).

Everything who is interested, should check out my HOWTO at


It does cover the SB [AWE] {32,64} [PnP].

> Fscking "Windoze" hardware.. (generic rant :)

No comment. (My rant would get longer than yours :)

Thank you,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."
Marcus Brinkmann

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