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Re: re- thinkpad install

frank@agetech.net writes:

> Problem #1  - I cannot access the floppy on the ThinkPad

>              root: linux floppy=thinkpad

>              Were is this referenced in the debian install ?

For some reason, the Thinkpad inverts the meaning of some floppy
control lines.  You always have to put "floppy=thinkpad" when you
boot.  The page you get when you press F4 on the install disk lists

After installing, you can add a line `append="floppy=thinkpad"' to
your /etc/lilo.conf and rerun LILO, to have this happen automatically.

> Problem # 2 cannot mount the CD-rom
>                 when dselect asks for the block device name
>                 what should I give it ? 

Probably /dev/scd0, for the first SCSI CD-ROM.  But first the kernel
has to recognise the SCSI interface.  The page you get with F5 on the
install disk says: "Future Domain TMC-8xx/950 tmc8xx=mem_base,irq" -
is this what you've got?

Check the boot messages by typing "dmesg | more", and look at the
files in /proc, to see what hardware got detected.  Unfortunately I
don't have any SCSI hardware ATM.

>                 I do not think the CD-rom is mounted.
>                 How can I "ls -la" the cdrom ?

% mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/scd0 /cdrom
% ls -la /cdrom

    Carey Evans  <*>  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/  gc

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