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Converting a ps file from letter to A4 ? fig2dev ?

I am trying to make the sag (linux System Administrators' Guide) from the LDP. 
The complied version that is stored there is in letter paper size while I need 
A4 paper size.

Is there a site (perhaps in Europe) that has an A4 postscript version?
Is there a way to convert the ps file that the LDP stores from letter to A4 ?
Is it true that if I'll make it myself I will have an A4 version (that is, is
the letter paper size not an integral part of the formatted files) ?

The following is from the Makefile:

# This is the Makefile for formatting the Linux System Administrators' Guide.
# You need LaTeX2e (probably a recent version), fig2dev (version 3), and
# the usual UNIX tools to run everything.  The distribution contains
# all formatted files (especially figures).

Is there a debian package that contains fig2dev or an equivalent utility ?

	Thank you.

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