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X internal error...

There has been a problem that was bugging me eversince I installed
Debian'X.  I converted from RedHat 4.1 (olvwm).  X on Debian works...
well it works!  But every time I exit from olvwm I see:
X internal error: trying to rotate odd-sized pixmap.
X internal error: trying to rotate odd-sized pixmap.
X internal error: trying to rotate odd-sized pixmap.
X internal error: trying to rotate odd-sized pixmap.
X internal error: trying to rotate odd-sized pixmap.
X internal error: trying to rotate odd-sized pixmap.
X internal error: trying to rotate odd-sized pixmap.
And longer I use X, more messages I get.  It has no visible effect on
the system, it's just that I can't seep right with an error on Linux...



LinuxD since 2.0.0

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