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Re: Xntp and GMT

On Wed, 1 Oct 1997 mike@bcinternet.com wrote:

: 	I'm looking for advice on how to set one of my Debian 1.3 servers
: to GMT time.  We are a smaller ISP and recently we've had a problem with
: theft of service.  The clock on our RADIUS accounting needs to be synced
: with our telco's clock in order to make tracking of this sort of thing
: easier.  Currently our clock is 8 minutes faster than their clock, and
: this is a bad thing.  If anyone can give advice on a relatively painless
: way to do this it would be much appreciated.  I've downloaded, installed,
: and began reading the html-docs for xntp.  I figured I'd try a cry for
: help to the list as well in case someone here has had to do the same
: thing. 
: 				mike... 
: Micro$oft, what do you want to spend today?

We run xntpd here at Midco on all our machines ... I hated getting email
from the BSDI boxes that had fallen way behind.

The hardest part of the install is finding some stratum 2 servers to
connect to.  This involves sending email :)

I have a stratum 3 server you may connect to if you wish.  If you need
some specific details in setup feel free to email me.  I'm currently at
a "technoVision" conference so probably won't reply for a day or two.


Nathan Norman
410 South Phillips Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD  57104
Voice: (605) 334-4454 Fax: (605) 335-1173
email: nnorman@midco.net or  nathan_norman@mmi.net

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