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Re: your mail

At 03:01 PM 7/31/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Please resend your post to debian-user@lists.debian.org .
>On 23 Jul 1997, woody shelton-wilson wrote:
>> Hello
>> 	i was referd to linux by a friend as something up and coming to check out.
>> needless to say i have few questions.
>> 	I am a manufacture of engineering prototypes most of which are of very
>> complex shape and there for i must use a full blown cad /cam system to
>> produce product for my customers. Presently i use a system from cimatron
>> technologies in Israel (cimatron.co.il, or cimatron.ca) which works well ,
>> but !!! i used to use a system (that i still have in the closet) called
>> calma that ran on a HP Apollo 5500 work satiation and i think it used HP,s
>> UNIX 10.35 opp  (3 opps combined in one bsd,agies,? ) so the big question
>> is can i transfer this cda/cam system to a pc with linux and in time make
>> run on a pc (the reason it is in the closet is that is to slow for the
>> speed at which i have to compete today. but in my opinion it was one the
>> best cam packages ever developed!!! and i have operated some ware around 15
>> different packeges) 
>> 	i think it is probably obvious that i am a novice as far as operating
>> systems go but i could not help but ask in hop of reviving a true love from
>> the depths of the techno past.
>> 	i have loaded a copy of red hat4.1 and am trying to educate my self but
>> after reading through you DOC,s i am going to migrate your way after i
>> understand more of what i am doing.
>> 	the other question i have is , is it yet possible by some means to run
>> windows from our beloved MS on linux ( my personal settlement is   "i hate
>> ms"  but i have a business to run and they supply the stuff that sort of
>> does the job)
>> 	thank you for your time and hope to here form you     woody shelton-wilson

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