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> >I installed using May 30 diskette set (Debian 1.3.0, Kernel 2.0.29). 
> >there, I chose the 3c59x module (I got this information from the above
> >- like Dave mentioned, this should definitely be identified in modconf).
> >
> >I tried setting various options for this driver (as per the above web
> >and, while the driver happily accepted them, loaded, and reported the
> >options as active, I couldn't communicate on the network.  I finally
> >with the default "options=7" and now everything is working great!
> Where did you put this? LILO? You mention in your other post that you
> use the DOS config. What you said above is what happens if you don't lock
> the card at one speed. It looks like this options thing is a way around
> (Maybe the right way. The locking it from DOS I saw mentioned many months

> and revisions of the driver ago)

The module gets loaded in /etc/modules and options are specified in
/etc/conf.modules.  (I can't give you the exact line right now because I'm
at home and system's at work.)
> >The only "funny" thing is that `ifconfig` reports eth0 as being "10Mbps
> >Ethernet"; however, it *is* operating at 100Mbps.
> Hmmm I think it's broken. If I remember right it reported some DEC FDDI 
> boards I worked with as 10Mbps also. FDDI ain't nowhere near 10Mbps  ; >

I'd assumed the same.  I guess ifconfig or something needs to add support
for 100Mbps.  (I don't know, but I'd assume it supports various ArcNet,
TokenRing speeds, but not Ethernet, ATM, FDDI, etc. yet.)  On that point, I
didn't know Linux supported FDDI (or ATM?)....  


Kevin Traas
Systems Analyst
Baan Business Systems

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