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Re: off topic: password strategy as an ISP

On  5 Jul, John Foster wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Jul 1997 Martin.Bialasinski@uni-koeln.de wrote:
>> #!/bin/sh
>> cat <<__EOF__
>> No telnet login allowed.
>> ** Insert the motd here **
>> __EOF__
>> sleep 5
>> exit 0
> And if the remote user managed to interrupt it would they get
> /bin/sh?, with EUID 0?
> And what if the sleep call was suspended?

Did you tried the script ? If I try to suspend it, I get a "Connection 
closed by foreign host."

The same with STRG+C.

I believe that as this script is the "login shell", you can't interrupt
it without being disconnected. But someone with better knowledge of unix
internals can tell you the real explanation. 


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