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Re: GS mode for Epson Stylus Color 800 ???

On 4 Jul 1997, Andy Spiegl wrote:
> I just recently got my new printer.  It was easy to set up the
> magicfilter so that I can print anything I want.  But the highest
> resolution I got was 360x180.  Like this:
>  /usr/bin/gs -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -r360x180 -sDEVICE=epsonc

Check out /usr/doc/gs/devices.txt.gz.  ^_^  There is a driver for
EPSON Stylus printers.  Although it was written for older models, it works
on my EPSON Stylus COLOR 500 too.  :)  For example, I use the following
command for the Postscript filter (magicfilter):

  /usr/bin/gs  -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r360x360 -sDEVICE=stcolor \
  -dColorAdjustMatrix="{1.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.8 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 1.0}" \
  -sDithering="fscmyk" -sOutputCode=runlength -sOutputFile=- stc500pl.ps -

for the past few days.  Some great people on debian-user listed a link to
information about EPSON Stylus on Linux, from which I found another link
specifically about the Stylus COLOR 500, so I copied all the extra options
like -dColorAdjustMatrix and got the file "stc500pl.ps", a drop in
replacement for "stcolor.ps" from Ghostscript 4.03 for SC500.  :)  These
fix the minor colour and bleeding problems which occurs when using
"stcolor.ps", which is for older models.  ^_^  Check out:

    Epson Color Stylus 500, Ghostscript, and Linux

Anyway, if you are only printing black and white with your SC800, the
following would work fine.  Colour is okay too but might be too dark.
Play with other options.  Oh, almost forgot: stcolor in GS 4.03 supports
up to 720 dpi, not 1440 dpi.

  /usr/bin/gs  -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r360x360 -sDEVICE=stcolor \

Anyway, I couldn't wait to try Ghostscript 5.01, so I finally managed to
compile it this morning.  It comes with uniprint, the new
"Ugly- -> Updated- -> Unified-Printer-Driver".  ^_^  It is an update of
stcolor, but much more versatile and is intended to become THE unified
printer driver.  :)  Anyway, it comes with a set of configurations for
Stylus COLOR printers, including the 500, 600 and 800.  So, in my
magicfilter config, I am now using:

   /usr/bin/gs  -q @stc500p.upp -sOutputFile=- -

for printing at 360dpi.  For SC800,

stc800pl - Epson Stylus Color 800, 360DpI, 32Bit-CMYK, 64 Pin, plain paper
stc800p  - Epson Stylus Color 800, 720DpI, 32Bit-CMYK, 64 Pin, plain paper
stc800ih - Epson Stylus Color 800, 1440DpI 32Bit-CMYK, 62 Pin, inkjet paper?

So, when GS 5.01 is Debianized, your colour printout might look better.
Wait and see.  :)

> If I write anything higher than that, like -r360x360 or so, the
> printer output is distorted or completely garbled.  So I am wondering
> whether it's at all possible to get it to print at a higher resolution.
> The printer supports up to 1440x1440.

The epsonc printer driver is for Epson LQ-2550 and Fujitsu 3400/2400/1200
color printers, i.e. dot matrix colour printers, I guess.  :)  They
probably also use ESC/P or ESC/P2 for printing, so they worked at lower
resolutions for the EPSON Stylus, I guess.  :)

BTW, isn't Stylus COLOR 600/800 max resolution 1440x720 dpi?  :)


Anthony Fok Tung-Ling            foka@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
Civil Engineering                http://www.ualberta.ca/~foka/
University of Alberta, Canada    Keep smiling!  *^_^*

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