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Re: LILO--Dual Booting Two Linux Systems

"Civ Kevin F. Havener" <havenerk@thunder.safb.af.mil> writes:

> I wnat to run a side by side comparison of two linux distributions--Debian
> and one other.  I plan to install them on the same IDE drive under separate
> (monolithic) partitions.  What does LILO need to recognize this set up?
>   mbr on hda 
>   dos on hda1
>   swap on hda2
>   linux1 (/root) on hda3 
>   linux2 (/root) on hda4

A couple of options, mostly untested:

1. On linux2, install lilo on hda4 (boot=/dev/hda4), no prompts just
   booting straight to hda4.  On linux1, install lilo with all choices
   in the mbr and chain to hda4 (like you chain to hda1 for DOS).

2. Mount linux2 on linux1 (in /root2 for example) and specify
   /root2/vmlinuz as the image, as well as overriding `root='.  Run
   lilo only when booted from linux1, or do the same in reverse too.

                Carey Evans  <*>  c.evans@clear.net.nz

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