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Re: g++ targetcompali -> dos 8086 code?

If you get the GNU source you can build a cross-compiler, by
specifying the right arguements to the configure script.

I built a gcc that produced ELF binaries for Linux on a SprcStation
that way...

John Foster

On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, Lars Hallberg wrote:

> Hello
> Is it posably (whit debian packages) to targetcompile C++ code
> for dos 8086 and 80286 targets? If not, is it posably under Linux
> at all?
> I prefere g++ or a g++ relative but if that is not possably
> anything goes (even commersial).
> If not again, is anyone runing an dos C++ compiler succesfully
> under DOSEMU? Or just know about a dos C++ compiler that can
> produce 8086 code and is more upp to date then the Borland
> Turbo C++ 3.0????
> TIA /Lars
> --
>    /  / _/_ _/_ Lars Hallberg IT-konsult      Micro++
>   /\_/\ /   /   www.micropp.se/lah            www.micropp.se            
>  /   Micro++    OOP C++ WWW-Design Utbildning LINUX FreeWare
> --
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