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Re: Laser printer

Well, for a complete discution you could switch to comp.os.linux.hardware

I bought a hp 5L recently and it's cool.
Any HP (or other) which understand PCL and has, say, at least 1Mb memory 
should do it.

I suppose the Postscript ones are too expensive for you.
The GDI (=windows) printers won't work. Some can pcl, but they often 
don't have enough memory (pcl files are bigger than ps, I believe).

for ghostscript, see http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/index.html


On Mon, 2 Jun 1997, Alex Yukhimets wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Could anyone tell me which one of the currently available laser printers
> would be linux-compatible (the correct formulation would probably be
> gs - compatible?). I am interesting in B/W and on the lower price side.
> I am very confused with those "Windows compatible" slogans in
> advertisments.
> Thank you.
> Alex Y.

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