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Re: Networking Win95, Debian Linux and Cable Modem

"Ross D. Gardler" <ross@RGardler.nynextrial.co.uk> writes:


> I would like to get the Win95 machine talking to the Linux Machine
> and to the Internet via the cable modem. How do I do this?


> Any pointers?

I haven't had to do this myself, but there is documentation about it.
Look at the Ethernet and NET-2 HOWTO's and the IP-Masquerading
mini-HOWTO.  You should have them installed under /usr/doc/HOWTO.

I do have some idea what to do, so if you're still stuck after this,
try asking again.

                Carey Evans  <*>  c.evans@clear.net.nz

	    "Lies, damn lies, and computer documentation."

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