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Re: How to trick debian into thinking a package is installed

> 1. what's the dirty way to modify the config files so debian thinks
> lesstif is installed?

I don't think that this will work. lesstif isn't binary compatible with
motif AFAIK, only source-level. So to use programs linked against lesstif,
you will need lesstif, and not motif (ofcourse you could recompile

If this is not correct, by all means say so. I don't use any of
motif/lesstif myself :)
> On a side note, motif apps really ought to "require" a motif package, and
> lesstiff should "provide" motif, as opposed to packages directly requiring
> lesstif.


|     Maarten Boekhold, Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Delft,   NL    |
|        M.Boekhold@et.tudelft.nl   boekhold@gopher.library.tudelft.nl      |

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