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Re: Fixed! (Re: mgetty isn't answering the phone (ioctl problem))

On Tue, 22 Oct 1996, Joe Emenaker wrote:

> So, as near as I can tell, the modem was answering the modem on
> its own volition just moments before mgetty sent an "ATA" which, I
> believe, toggles the online state (hangs up if off-hook, picks up if
> on-hook). Hence, the two clicks, I guess. So, putting "ATS0=0" in the
> init line for that tty fixed the problem.


agetty wants 'ATS0=1Q1E0' so that the modem answers the phone itself
when it rings. S0=1 == answer after one ring, Q1 == quiet, E0 == echo

mgetty wants 'ATS0=0E1Q0' so that the modem answers the phone only when
told to ("ATA") by mgetty.

BTW, "ATA" doesn't toggle online state. ATA = Answer. It tells the modem
to go off-hook and attempt to establish carrier. The reason why the ATA
is causing the modem to hang up at that point is that most (all?) modems
will hang up if they receive any characters from the serial port while
they are trying to connect. You've probably seen that hitting enter or
space in a terminal program while the modem is dialing will result in

> However, this has *not* fixed the bizzare problem with pppd thinking I
> don't have PPP support compiled in, even though I do.

is ppp compiled into the kernel or as a module?

try compiling it as a module, and make sure that either a) "ppp" is listed in
/etc/modules or b) "auto" is listed in /etc/modules.

Do you see something like:

    PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel allocation)
    PPP Dynamic channel allocation code copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
    PPP line discipline registered.

show up at boot time? try running dmesg to display the most recent
kernel messages...also, if the ppp message has scrolled out of the
buffer, you can search for this text in /var/log/messages.

If you DON'T see this message then you have either not compiled in ppp
support or you have compiled it as a module but have failed to load the

> Also, the person who suggested that I use mgetty seemed to think I was
> kiiky for wanting to use uugetty. Well, if he's listening, I'd like
> to add that, under mgetty, I *still* can't dial out on the modem that
> mgetty is sitting on. The whole reason I wanted to use uugetty was
> that it supposedly allowed for dial-in and dial-out without having to
> do the "inittab shuffle".

mgetty works perfectly for dialin and dialout use. I have all 3 of my
modems set up that way, even the one which is only ever used as my ppp
link to the net (which is set to redial as soon as connection is lost)
- i have it like that so that I have an emergency dial-in line if ppp
connection is failing.

getting it to work is really VERY simple and straightforward. 

here's what you need to know:

  - use the ttyS? devices for everything - dialin and dialout.

  - completely ignore anything you may have read about cua? and ttyS?
    devices.  Linux no longer needs to do port locking with this barbaric 
    method :-).   Information you may have read saying that you have to
    use cua? devices for dialout use is obsolete and counter-productive.

    in fact, IMO /dev/cua? devices are obsolete. I can't think of any
    reason (except for supporting legacy software) why anyone would want
    to use them in preference to ttyS? devices.

  - put the word "lock" in /etc/ppp/options.  This will force it to use
    lockfiles (in /var/lock/)

  - configure any other software which needs to use the modem so that it
    uses lockfiles in /var/lock.  (e.g. uucico, cu, minicom - you'll find
    that the debian versions should already be configured to do this and
    is probably the default).

  - use mgetty.  it knows about /var/lock already.  no problems.  It's
    a great program to start with and Chris L (the debian maintainer) has
    done a good job packaging it for debian.



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