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Re: OpenView problems

Kevin M Bealer (kmb203@psu.edu) wrote:
: On Thu, 17 Oct 1996, Arrigo Triulzi wrote:
: > 	the OpenView stuff coming with Debian seems to work a little
: > strangely: I have no borders on menus or any item. I don't really care

: I noticed this too, it seemed to depend on color* depth.  I
: think it worked under pseudocolor, but did not work correctly
: under 64K colors.  I never bothered to find out why,

The xview-clients package is broken. To get correct results on hicolor
servers, the byte order has to be changed (in the Makefile) relative
to the original SUN version. Take the binaries for olwm or olvwm from
slackware or any other distribution. There, this problem was corrected
already half a year ago.

Best wishes -- Volker

  Volker Ossenkopf,              E-mail: ossk@sol.astro.uni-jena.de

  Astrophysikalisches Institut und    \\///
   Universitaets-Sternwarte Jena     ( . . )     Tel.: 03641/630324

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