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Can't route to ethernet

Dear all,

I'm trying to install Debian-1.1 via NFS, but I've got some serious
trouble with the ethernet connection. I'm using a WD8003 (selected the
module 'wd' during base installation), which seems to be found
correctly. 'ifconfig eth0' prints out the correct data. Now the
trouble begins:

A "ping" (my own address) works perfectly, but no other
address gives a response to ping.

After /etc/init.d/network did a "route add -net netmask \ eth0" and "route add default gw metric 0
eth0" (I had to modify these commands manually), a simple "route"

Destination	Gateway		Genmask		Flags	Metric	Ref	Use	Iface
localnet	*	U	0	0	2	eth0	*	U	0	0	1	lo
default		UG	0	0	0	eth0

A strange thing is, that the command runs about one minute before it
displays the last line.

There is a WfW-PC on the same line (BNC), but even if I ping this
address, there is no response.

The connector has LEDs for diagnostic purposes. If I ping myself,
there is no activity. If I ping any other address, no activity is
reported. And the best: if I ping (the broadcast
address), it works perfectly and activity is reported!

What could be the reason for such a strange behaviour?

And one remarkably fact I have: from time to time (maybe all 60-120
seconds), the send-LED is lit for a short moment. Why? There are the
following processes running: init, kflushd, kswappd, update, syslogd,
klogd, kerneld, inetd, bashes, getties.

Hope anyone can help me.


Lord, help me to keep my big mouth shut until I know what I am talking about...
 ___            _  _____       _    _     _          
| _ \___ _ _  _// |_   _|__ __| |_ (_)_ _| |___ _  _tschirley@ukbf.fu-berlin.de
|   / -_) ' \/ -_)  | |(_-</ _| ' \| | '_| / -_) || |gremlin@zedat.fu-berlin.de
|_|_\___|_||_\___|  |_|/__/\__|_||_|_|_| |_\___|\_, |   gremlin@cs.tu-berlin.de
WWW : http://fred.ukbf.fu-berlin.de/~gremlin     |__/
Uni-Klinikum Benjamin Franklin, Abteilung Medizinische Statistik und Informatik

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