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Re: LILO and W95

>What I have done is similar to what Susan suggest in using LOADLIN, but I
>have setup a menuitem in config.sys to handle it.  The line I use in the
>config.sys file is:
>shell=c:\loadlin.exe c:\vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6 ro
>This assumes my root file system is on hda6.  This way when I boot I have
>the option presented to me.  It is very much like LILO, but is all done
>through DOS/WIN95 utilities (when I started using linux, I was more
>comfortable doing it this way).
>Kenny Wickstrom           | gnu - a new generation in s/w devel/support
>kenny@kennet.com          | Linux - a much improved Un*x clone
>(847)740-4008             | Debian - a Linux distribution setting the
>#include <std-disclaimer> |    standard for future distributions
In my case, I started out (several years back) using LILO to dual-boot
DOS or Linux.  But, I actually have found now that the Loadlin option
not only is more convenient for Win-95, but actually makes more sense
on a PC.  The only problem is that Loadlin has some memory
limitations.  But, if you use the Menu-config.sys thing with DOS, then
booting bare with the Loadlin option works great.

| James D. Freels, P.E._i, Ph.D.  | Phone:  (423)576-8645  |   | L |
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