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Re: color ls

I have the same problem. I to have upgraded some packages, but I can't
remember which ones. I will try to look at my list and try to remember
which ones I did just before I noticed it. 

Mark Phillips <mark@maths.flinders.edu.au> wrote:


>Something has happened to stop ls giving color output.  I used to be
>able to just run:

>eval `dircolors`

>and ls would work in color - even without specifying the "--color"
>option.  (And no, ls was not aliased)

>Now it seems I need to type "ls --color" to get color?

>What is the problem?  I've changed a number of things of late - moved
>from tcsh to bash (but same thing happens in both shells), and
>upgraded a number of packages.  So I don't know what has caused the
>change.  Any ideas anyone?

>Mark Phillips.  (mark@maths.flinders.edu.au)

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