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Debian'da PostgreSQL kurulum sorunu

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Debian stable makinama postgresql kurdum ama çalışmıyor.Bir türlü sorunu çözemedim.PostgreSQL 'i kapatırken ve açarken şu hataları alıyorum:
Stopping PostgreSQL database server: postmasterpg_ctl: could not find /var/lib/postgres/data/postmaster.pid
Is postmaster running?

Starting PostgreSQL database server: postmaster(FAILED)
ERROR: pg_controldata: could not open file "/var/lib/postgres/data/global/pg_control" for reading: No such file or directory
ERROR: PostgreSQL postmaster did not start because of an unknown reason.
PostgreSQL's init script (/etc/init.d/postgresql) attempted
to start the postmaster, however, this failed because of an unknown

This should not happen and is a serious problem. Please examine the
situation (please take a look at the log files). If you know the
reason why it failed and, then please file a bug report to Debian
(unless the reason is something obvious like a full disk).

Debian PostgreSQL.

Bu mesajlar üzerine bende /var/lib/postgres/data/global/pg_control dosyasını postgres hakları ile oluşturdum.Bu seferde kapanırken;

Stopping PostgreSQL database server: postmaster/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl: line 328: kill: (4566) - No such process
pg_ctl: postmaster does not shut down
(does not shutdown gracefully, now stopping immediately)/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl: line 328: kill: (4566) - No such process
pg_ctl: postmaster does not shut down
(does not shutdown, killing the process)/etc/init.d/postgresql: line 81: kill: (4566) - No such process

Açılırken ise;
Starting PostgreSQL database server: postmaster(FAILED)
ERROR: Removing stale PID file and socket
pg_controldata: could not read file "/var/lib/postgres/data/global/pg_control": Success
ERROR: PostgreSQL postmaster did not start because of an unknown reason.
PostgreSQL's init script (/etc/init.d/postgresql) attempted
to start the postmaster, however, this failed because of an unknown

This should not happen and is a serious problem. Please examine the
situation (please take a look at the log files). If you know the
reason why it failed and, then please file a bug report to Debian
(unless the reason is something obvious like a full disk).

Debian PostgreSQL

böyle bir hata mesaı alıyorum.

Ama postgres kullanıcı oluşmuş.Postgres kullanıcısı ile createdb komutu ile veritabanı oluşturmaya çalışıyorum.Onda da şöy
le bir hata alıyorum:

createdb: could not connect to database template1: could not connect to server: 8\uffff)@\uffff   %@
        Is the server running locally and accepting
        connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

Sabahten beri uğraşıyorum ama bir türlü düzeltemedim.Kafayı yemek üzereyim.Bu sorunu nasıl düzeltirim yardımlarınızı bekliyorum.


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