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Re: Debian Weekly News - February 6th, 2002

On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 11:07:49PM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Debian Weekly News - February 6th, 2002
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Problem with Donations. Martin Krafft started a [5]discussion about
> donating money (and equipment) to the Debian project. He pointed out
> that it is rather difficult to donate money to the Debian project if
> you're not living in the U.S. or in Germany. A [6]PayPal account
> could help here, but there are [7]horror stories out there as well,
> and it seems difficult to reach a human being in case of trouble.
> Additionally, individuals could act as relay, but only donations to
> charitable organizations are tax-deductable.
>  5. http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0201/msg02673.html
>  6. http://www.paypal.com/
>  7. http://www.paypalwarning.com/

Har någon på den här listan några kommentarer om det ovanstående?

Jag skulle gärna donera en tia eller två i månaden till debian. Alltså, 
alldeles för lite för att det ska vara möjligt, eller någon mening med, att 
ta tag i det ensam.

Är jag ensam om att vilja slänga iväg lite pengar åt distributionen jag 

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