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Re: [Debian]: Verz. nach ueberfluessigen Dateien ueberpruefen!?!

Moin moin,

> gibt es
> ein Tool oder irgendeine MIR NICHT bekannte dpkg funktion die bestimme
> Verzeichnisse nach Dateien durchsucht die eigentlich da nicht
> reingehoeren?

In slink (unstable) gibts ein Paket:

Package: cruft
Description: Find any cruft built up on your system
 cruft is a program to look over your system for anything that shouldn't
 be there, but is; or for anything that should be there, but isn't.
 It bases most of its results on dpkg's database, as well as a list of
 `extra files' that can appear during the lifetime of various packages.
 cruft is still in pre-release; your assistance in improving its accuracy
 and performance is appreciated.


Michael 'Bodo' Feger                mf@maki1.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de

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