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Bug#853119: texlive-luatex: basic lualatex document does not compile anymore without additionnal dependencies


for me, just installing lmodern did not fix the issue with the
following example:





% lualatex test.tex
This is LuaTeX, Version 0.95.0 (TeX Live 2016/Debian) 
 restricted system commands enabled.
LaTeX2e <2017/01/01>
(using write
cache: /home/wolle/.texlive2016/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic)(us ing
cache: /var/lib/texmf/luatex-cache/generic /home/wolle/.texlive2016/te
xmf-var/luatex-cache/generic) luaotfload | main : initialization
completed in 0.104 seconds Babel <3.9r> and hyphenation patterns for 1
language(s) loaded.
Document Class: standalone 2015/07/15 v1.2 Class to compile TeX
sub-files stand alone
(/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls Document
Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
(/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo luaotfload |
db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc); reason: "File not found:
lmroman10-regular.".(compiling luc: /var/li
luc: /h
ar.luc)(save: /home/wolle/.texlive2016/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/otl /lmroman10-regular.lua)(save: /home/wolle/.texlive2016/texmf-var/luatex-cache/g
(/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/mathpazo.sty) No file

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `TU/pplj/m/n' undefined
(Font)              using `TU/lmr/m/n' instead on input line 11.

! Undefined control sequence.
\sa@placebox ->\newpage \global \pdfpagewidth 
                                              =\wd \sa@box \global

l.13 \end{document}
? x
 411 words of node memory still in use:
   3 hlist, 1 rule, 1 dir, 6 glue, 1 kern, 4 glyph, 6 attribute, 41
glue_spec, 6 attribute_list, 2 if_stack, 1 write nodes
   avail lists: 2:6,3:1,4:1,5:2,7:2,8:1,9:1

warning  (pdf backend): no pages of output.
Transcript written on test.log.

It seems, like the luaotfload is loaded unconditionally even when it is
not needed, since type1 fonts are requested to used (mathpazo). It
tries to use lmr anyways since it is forced to use TU encoding, which
mathpazo does not have.
In /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latexrelease.sty I
found the following change, which is probably part of the issue:
+                 {\fontencoding}{TU in everyjob}%
+  \directlua{%
+%% Horrible hack, locally reset the luatex version number
+%% This is not required for the source version of luaotfload
+%% but is required due to an error in the version check in the
+%% public version (January 2017)
+%% https://github.com/lualatex/luaotfload/issues/387
+%% It is expected that this will be removed before TeXLive 2017
+  local tmp_version=tex.luatexversion %
+  tex.luatexversion=199 %
+  if xpcall(function ()%
+             require('luaotfload-main')%
+            end,texio.write_nl) then %
+  local _void = luaotfload.main ()%
+  else %
+  texio.write_nl('Error in luaotfload: reverting to OT1')%
+  tex.print('\string\\def\string\\encodingdefault{OT1}')%
+  end %
+  tex.luatexversion=tmp_version%
+  }%
+  \let\f@encoding\encodingdefault
+  \expandafter\let\csname ver@luaotfload.sty\endcsname\fmtversion

Best regards,
 ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
 /\                        - against proprietary attachments

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