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Bug#792616: \ifpdf returning false with xelatex, even when creating PDF

[Norbert Preining]
> Hi Petter,

Hi. :)

> From the documentation of ifpdf, first sentence:
> 	This package looks for pdfTeX in pdf mode and implements 
> 	and sets the switch \ifpdf.
> Thus ifpdf behaves absolutely correct.
> xetex is not pdftex.
> Furthermore, xelatex produces dvi/xdv which is converted to pdf 
> automatically to pdf using xdvipdfmx, but that doesn't mean that it is 
> in pdf mode.

Thank you for the hint.  I am not very familiar with the vocabular of
TeX/LaTeX, and did not know that pdftex was something that xetex did not
have.  I guess from your commend that pdftex is a
product/implementation, and not a feature of TeX.

> You should use ifxetex and ifluatex, too.

Aha.  I'm testing by adding "\or\ifxetex" and it seem to work. :)

> Good hints are easily found also via google-that-for-me "ifpdf xetex"

Thanks, but it did not really help me.  I probably did not quite
understand the words used in the explanations.

> Closing this bug

No worries, I'll follow up with the createspace style developer that is
not in Debian (at least not yet). :)

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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