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Bug#584950: texlive-base: file remnant in /etc/texmf/fmt.d/

Hi Frank,

thank you for your help. From the lines 202--222 in the file
/var/lib/dpkg/info/texlive-base.preinst beginning with the line

    sed --in-place=pre-edit '

I concluded that the file /etc/texmf/fmt.d/10texlive-base.cnfpre-edit was
generated by the preinst script of texlive-base. On my systems this script is
the only file in /var/lib/dpkg/info containing the string "pre-edit".

The list of packages depending on texlive-base on my systems I generated with
the command

aptitude -F "%p %v#" search '~i~D^texlive-base$'

The packages are:

texlive-extra-utils                               2009-7
texlive-font-utils                                2009-7
texlive-fonts-recommended                         2009-10
texlive-lang-german                               2009-3
texlive-lang-greek                                2009-3
texlive-latex-base                                2009-10
texmacs                                           1:

By the way, I'm using testing/squeeze with some packages from unstable.
Best regards,

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