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Bug#470433: texlive-omega: Segfault in ovp2ovf

On 12.03.08 Elie Roux (elie.roux@enst-bretagne.fr) wrote:
> Hilmar Preusse a écrit :


> That's weird... could you send me you /usr/bin/omfonts please?
Dunno if it makes sense to debug why it doesn't fail on my box, but
crashes on yours, but here we go. If the patch solves your problem
and has not side effects it should be applied.

> > I guess the best would be to forward the patch to upstream (tex-k
> > <at> mail.tug.org) and include the patch into Debian.
> >  
> Ok, I'll try this address. I've already send it to
> tex-live@tug.org, but I got no answer...
Well, ovp2ovf itself says the upstream would be tex-k@ so bug reports
should be sent there IMHO.

sigmentation fault

Attachment: omfonts.gz
Description: application/gunzip

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