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Re: pfb2t1c and cm-super

Hilmar Preusse wrote:
> On 14.09.05 Ralf Stubner (ralf.stubner@physik.uni-erlangen.de) wrote:
[get pfb files under dpkg control]
> I guess it is a better idea to contact dpkg <at> packages.d.o about
> that...


>> Another possibility, which goes way beyond Debian packaging but
>> sounds interesting anyway, would be to add a mktexpfb (or extend
>> mktexpk) such that pfb files can be created from the compressed t1c
>> files at run time, just as mf/tfm/pk/... files are created now.
> Sounds good, however it doesn't solve the problem above.

Not exactly. The pfb files created at runtime would be written to
VARTEXFONTS. No package should install any files there. And the .tfm
files needed for cm-super are stored there anyway, as they are created
via mktextfm from the Metafont sources. The latter are also stored in
VARTEXFONTS, since they are created via mktexmf. Hence something like
ecrm1000.mf is not under dpkg control. If we can live with that, I would
say we could also live with unregistered .pfb files in VARTEXFONTS.


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