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Some suggestions for the Debian tetex packages

Hi Christoph,

below are some suggestions for the Debian tetex packages I want your
opinion on (and the opinion of others on debian-tetex-maint):

You are still listed as the maintainer of tetex-src. Is this intended or
should the maintainer be changed to debian-tetex-maint?

To fulfill the copyright of some packages the new upstream version must be
packaged. Do you want to do this or shall I do it?

It would be good if we update the standards version and especially add
Build-Depends (e.g. the package libpng2-dev should be installed when
compiling tetex-bin - configure finds only what is installed, so we should
define what has to be installed when compiling).

I have packaged texdoctk, a GUI for easier access of the teTeX
documentation. Thomas Esser has placed this program upstream in the
contrib directory of teTeX. Could tetex-doc suggest texdoctk?

I suggest to add the following dependencies to task-tex:
Depends: catdvi, texdoctk
Suggests: dvisvga, tetex-nonfree


A "No" uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a
"Yes" merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.
                -- Mahatma Ghandi

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