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Re: Fwd: Sequencer in Squeeze?

Fine! Thank you!

For all people who want to know details:

Jackd (Jack is sth else), jackd-firewire, qjackctl, qsynth, rosegarden installed (not sure if jackd-firewire is needed).

Additional packages installed: fluidsoundfonts-gm, fluidsynth, fluidsynth-dssi (not absolutely sure if the last one is needed).


Works! At present time I am still waiting for my Midi keyboard; it will come next week. However, a Midi file - generated with the Hydrogen Drum Sequencer - plays!


Am 28.04.2010 15:12, schrieb Glen Reesor:
I have installed Rosegarden and gotten it to work. Rosegarden is just a controller/sequences of midi device--it doesn't generate any audio. You also need qsynth, fluid-soundfont-gm, and alsa-base.

Once you have them installed, start them in this order:

    * Jack
    * Qsynth
          o Make sure you load the sound fonts
    * RoseGarden
          o Delete the default midi devices, then add your own.  If
            you're just using Qsynth for audio generation, add QSynth
            as a midi device

I haven't used Rosegarden a lot, but this is what I did to get it to work.

- Glen

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