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installing kernel sources

Hello all,
I am pretty new to Debian, used SuSE and RedHat for the last year or so.
I still use xp on my laptop becuase the ACPI works without a lot of hassle. I run several Linux installs under VMware workstation 4.5.1 and there is a tools package that improves the graphics and mouse movement.
Anyway it requires the kernel sources so it can compile a kernel modue for this purpose. On my testing install i did a "apt-get install kernel-sources-2.4.25" which matches the output of "uname -r" and on other distributions i would then have a /usr/src/linux-2.4.25 directory which would have all the kernel sources necessary to compile the necessary kernel module. But i just have a bziped tarball in the /usr/src/ directory. Is this normal? Doesn't the apt-get install both GET and INSTALL the package? Becuase that doesn't seem to be the case, can someone explain a little more about what is exected of me to make it work?
I uncompressed and untarred it and pointed the vmware tools install script to it but it barked about not finding the net or linux directory and failed.

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