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Re: CVS/SSH not playing nice

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, Oyvind A. Holm wrote:

> On 2002-01-25 03:16 Shane Beasley wrote:
> > I can't get CVS+SSH to work under Woody. [...]
> >
> > My procedure does something like so:
> >
> >   mkdir ${HOME}/foo
> >   export CVSROOT=:ext:${USER}@localhost:${HOME}/foo
> >   export CVS_RSH=ssh
> >   cvs init
> >
> > The symptom is that CVS initiates the SSH connection, then freezes.
> I don't think you can run "cvs init" on a remote server. Try running
> cvs init locally on that server, then "cvs co ." in an empty directory
> on your local machine.

Okay, this is getting weirder and weirder. I tried that, and it works.
What I don't get is why I have the feeling that I tried that before, only
without success.

Long ago, I created (and used) a repository. Somewhat recently, I went to
access that repository, and I ran into the problem as explained above.
Shortly after that, while trying to determine the cause, I started using
`cvs init` as a test case, since it didn't seem to matter what CVS command
I used; cvs always became unresponsive after SSH authentication. Whether I
am imagining all of this, or there was a problem which has now been fixed,
I don't know.

The weird thing is that `cvs init` *does* work remotely on at least one of
my test machines, which happens to be running Potato. I have no idea if
that has anything to do with it, but I know that it works there but does
not work on either of the Woody machines I tried.

In sum, you've got me scratching my head about why this works now, but
that's better than scratching my head about why it doesn't work, which
means that I've made progress.

Thanks, sorry for wasting your time, and I hope that I'm not as ignorant
as I look. :)

- Shane

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